Freedom Web Radio (eng)

>> project in progress    Freedom Web Radio

English Description : The project involves as main actors teenagers "in probation" o allocated in protect community (art.22) : Young people hosted by Casa Sherwood/Sherwood Home (Sherwood Social Cooperative a.r.l. Onlus) and young people from YARD social promotion association together will build the project developing the project's activities. Freedom web radio project will develop into 10 months of activities after whose it will possible to verify if the project's objectives and goals are fully reached and realized. All activities will take place in Casa Sherwood community located in Cooperativa sociale Sherwood a.r.l. Onlus headquarter in San Colombano al Lambro, south of the city of Milan.

1. Approach to radio communication (radio technician + radio speaker).
2. Installation of a basical radio studio usefull to create and trasmit web radio formats.
3. Preaparation of a radio format, radio transmission (format directoring + speaking ).
5. Production of N. 20 radio formats/transmission (60 min. Each).

1. Spreading and transmission of new languages as those linked to information's new technologies.
2. Sharing of professional abilities and skills connected with "creating and doing radio" knowledge.
3. Cooperation among actors for the realization of a collective enterprise.
4. Elaborating communicative abilities linked to "doing radio" and the use of communication technologies as instruments usare strumenti usefull for dialogue and relations among different people, experiences, worlds.

The young group of people from APS YARD is composed by boys and girls aged between 15 and 25 years old. They will experiment theirselves as not-formal facilitators with the objective to transmit and share the project's various steps. They will take action in the follow different roles :
1. Audio's Technician (mainly referent for the installation of the radio's studio}.
2. Radio's Director (mainly referent for the direction in a radio trasmission and a radio format).
3. Radio's Speaker (mainly referent for the cultural mediation among the different actors involved in the project and for italian language assistance).
4. Radio's Speaker (mainly referent for the formation concerned "creating radio" and more in general "creating communication").

Note: In this project, fundamental role to be rappresented by from young of the HOUSE SHERWOOD COMUNITY ( : Young held some juvenile prison of Milan at the end of trouble and subjects prisoners in condition of to enter the alternate and available measure to test concretely the connection of accompaniment. Minor, Italians and migrating, in "Put to the test" or with placing in community (art. 22).


Reference: IT-12-49-2007-R3
From 01 October 2007 to 30 October 2008

Contact Details

Contact: YARD APS - Federica - Aziani
Phone: 02.89073888
Address: Via Monte Rosa, 84 20149 Milano
Promoter: YARD APS - Italy

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